
thanks for visiting my website!
* portrait and lifestyle photography.
* photography that is fresh, simple, and timeless.
* images that tell your story.


for pricing and scheduling please email me at: tarab.taylorphotography@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


to emma, on the day i met you the sun was shining and you were just over two weeks old. you are a beautiful baby and the love your parents and brother have for you is tangible.
special thanks to amanda, scott, & brayden 


B said...

These pictures came out sooo great!!! SO precious! Good job!!

The McCarthy Family said...

Thank you so much for these beautiful photos. We are in love with all of them! You are an amazing photographer and we really appreciate all the time you took to get the perfect shots. Your professionalism and devotion to getting the best possible pictures was so much appreciated. Thank you SO much!
The McCarthy Family

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