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Thursday, December 1, 2011

caroline grace: nine weeks

to caroline,

i didn't have the chance to meet you until you were a little older. you gave your momma and daddy a run for their money, but i was so glad to see you healthy and happy and growing! you were awake for almost our entire session and we could all tell we wore you out by the end.

your eyes followed your momma around the room and your daddy knew just how to calm you down. you and your brother are going to have great times growing up together, i could just tell from how tolerant you were of him even when he was playing around close to you. but you definitely gave us some glances that said "what is my brother doing?"

your adorable belly button and your gorgeous baby mohawk made me smile. you were one more reason to add to the list of why i love babies.


Betsy Rhodes said...

Great photographs. Artistic, but natural!I especially like the B&W ones of Jack & Caroline Grace. The one of the entire family is precious. Do I see a Christmas card here? And where did this nice couple ever find that white distressed nursery furniture?

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