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Thursday, April 19, 2012

maximiliano: nine days

have i ever mentioned that i love newborns? it's true. love them. the fuzz covering their bodies and tiny ears, peeling skin, sleepy smiles, little grunts and groans, the swirl of hair on their heads; it's all perfection. newborns change so quickly and each and every day is precious. newborns embody life, love, hope, and newness. i like to linger, take my time, really look at them while I'm photographing, figure out what i would like to remember as i capture the images. inviting a photographer into your home just days after giving birth is overwhelming, i'm sure. but it is so worth it. i promise i don't care about the mess; the dirty bottles on the counter, the pile of laundry waiting to be done, the unmade bed. all i care about is being there to make photographs of your baby just days after birth so that you won't forget how tiny they were, those first expressions, or the feeling of holding them in your arms in those early days.

to maximiliano,

i was so excited and happy to meet you for the first time. and you were just the type of baby i thought you would be. your dark hair was as handsome as could be and you were so peaceful. 

special thanks to alejandra and lorenzo for allowing me to photograph their family (and to valentina for being so cute during our session!).


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